What happens if someone drives my car and they get in an accident?
Contrary to popular belief, your car insurance will usually follows the car, not the driver of the car . If you let someone else drive your car and they happen to get into an accident, your insurance company would likely be responsible for paying the claim, depending on the coverages in your policy. The claim would go on your insurance record and could possibly increasing your premium in the future.
A number of factors may come into play, though, when determining whose car insurance applies if someone else drives your car and gets in an accident. Most car insurance policies will cover drivers you’ve listed on the policy, or anyone whom you give permission to drive your car. This means your insurance will likely cover another driver in the event of an accident, as long as they had your permission to drive your vehicle. Remember though, some states may provide reduced coverage when other people drive your vehicle. if a friend or family member takes your car without your consent, you may not be held accountable for damage if an accident occurs. For example, if a friend borrows your car without your permission and causes an accident, your friend’s insurance may be considered primary coverage. However, if your friend doesn’t have insurance, you may still have to file a claim with your own insurance company to help cover the accident. Or, if a thief takes your car for a joyride and crashes into another vehicle, you likely won’t be liable for damage and repairs to the other vehicle. But, you may have to file a claim with your insurer to cover your vehicle’s repairs.
Be sure to read your policy’s terms and conditions, or talk to your agent, so you understand what’s covered in your state.
Categories: Auto Insurance