noviembre 4, 2024
AgencyWhy You Should Work With an Independent Insurance Agency
Sometimes, you might see advertisements for cheap auto insurance that offers fast, easy enrollment online without the hassle of talking to a pushy salesperson. This might sound like it’s a simple, practical way to get the auto insurance you need as efficiently as possible. However, is it really a wise step to take? Should you […]
junio 3, 2023
Here at Accupro Insurance Service we love us some Soccer!!! As a soccer coach for many years, he understands that it is a must to know the essential elements of leading a team. Young soccer players want to have fun with friends, sharpen their skills, enjoy competition, and create lifelong memories built on a foundation […]
mayo 8, 2023
AgencyHappy Retirement, friend!
On Saturday we celebrated the retirement of the founder of Accupro Insurance!! We are so very grateful to have celebrated the wonderful person that is, Glenn Rehmel. He has taught us that everything that is done with a giving heart is always a job well done. His kindness, generosity, and smile have been […]
febrero 2, 2023
AgencyWhy Work with Your Local Insurance Agency like Accupro Insurance?
We know just how convenient it can be to open a new search window, type “insurance” in the search bar, and click on the highest listing for an insurance giant in your area. So, why do we continue to believe that the local insurance agency is your best bet to meet your […]
enero 28, 2023
AgencyQuick Q & A from our President:
Here are 5 quick hot questions you might’ve asked yourself in the past!
septiembre 16, 2022
As the world continues to move a lot of things have changed. We are no longer in need of things we once found necessary. We have come to learn that a large office is no longer needed. The past 3 years taught us that there are things that can be handled virtually or with a […]
enero 12, 2022
AgencyCredit rating change Insurance rates
There are a lot of things that go into homeowners and auto insurance rates, one of them being credit. I’ve heard a lot of complaints from people who don’t like the fact that insurance companies use credit in their underwriting.Some people have absolutely no idea that it’s used in the rate at all. At the […]
septiembre 1, 2021
Technology now a day is so amazing! It has found so many ways to make life so simple for many of us. Debit cards and cash are now a thing of the past. Apple and Google pay allows us to be able to shop without debit cards or cash. As of not brilliant enough […]
agosto 28, 2021
AgencyHow can you reach us?
We are always available to service our customers to the best of our abilities. The fastest way to reach us with questions, concerns, or to simply say Hello, is by phone at (702) 251-4949. We are available Monday-Friday from 9am-5:00pm. If you need to reach us via fax feel free to submit any documentation to […]