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May 30, 2024

Protect Your Business & Peace of Mind



Just as much as your business matters to you it matters to us too. All the time, sweat, tears and money it took for you to get to where you are its best to be protected. Besides that most commercial landlords require liability insurance for you to operate your business on their premises. It may seem like a hassle at times but it is all for the greater good. Not only does it protect the property owner it protects your business as well. Protection from costly lawsuits and property damage. Your probably thinking, why do you have to have insurance if the owner has coverage? This insurance only covers the owners personal assets like building repairs and stolen property. The coverage you would need would cover injury to your clients, theft of your personal property and/or your customers. Lets say for instance that you had a flood in your nail shop due to a busted pipe, this will cover any injury it may have caused you or your clients, and replace or repair any damaged supplies or materials. Protect yourself from the unknown. Now the type of business insurance that your required to have is based on the dwelling where your business takes place, like if your renting a building or suite, or if your operating out of your home. The most common insurances are workman’s comp, commercial auto, business owners policy, and general liability. General liability and Business owners are the most common business insurances for commercial leases. This covers any damages or injuries your actions cause to third parties, such as bodily injury and medical expenses, property damage, or advertising injuries such as copyright infringement. A business owners policy bundles commercial property insurance and a general liability policy. Commercial general liability covers the basics such as lost, damaged, or stolen property, such as inventory, which will also most likely meet the requirements of your commercial lease. Commercial business insurance may seem a bit more complicated than your everyday car insurance policy but our agents are here to guide you through the process and answer all your questions. Protect your assets and protect your peace of mind. 

Categories: Business Insurance

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