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November 3, 2021

The importance of Renter’s Insurance

One of the most important things renter insurance covers is damage to your personal property. Your landlord’s insurance doesn’t cover any of your personal belongings if a  loss such as fire, water damage from an overflowing sink or toilet, theft  happens in your apartment.  

 A common objection to the renter’s insurance is “I don’t need renter insurance because I don’t really have a lot of stuff.”  or the famous one “It’s to expensive, I don’t need it.”

Renter’s insurance is actually quite inexpensive. On average, it costs about $15-$20 a month to cover everything you own plus you’ll probably get a discount on your auto insurance because you’ve purchased renter insurances (if you bundle them) . On Average a pizza can cost more than $15.  If you still think that’s a lot, think about the cost of replacing everything you own.  For the same price if not cheaper then a pizza, you could have all your personal belongings covered. You have clothes, furniture, electronics and much more. It’s not about the value of what your stuff is worth used if you sold it all; it’s about what it will cost to buy everything new if you lost it all. Imagine  all your clothes in a fire is burned…  It could cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to replace them.  

What exactly will it cover?  –Your liability expenses if someone were to get hurt in your apartment. For example, just for a second imagine someone tripping on your cute one of a kind rug and falling, now they have a head injury or possibly even a broken bone.. Your renter’s insurance will probably cover some legal costs. And even if they don’t sue you, your insurance can cover  medical expenses for your  guest. 

Still not convinced? It can also cover increased living expenses.  This doesn’t mean your insurer will pay for your rent, but if there is a  loss, and you are unable to stay in your apartment, your policy could possibly  reimburse you for food AND temporary housing. Don’t be the person standing outside your burning apartment building in the middle of a cold cold winter not only  having lost everything you own, but to make matters worse now you have no place to go, and now you are stuck wondering how you’ll pay to get back on your feet, you’ve just lost everything. Renter’s insurance can help get life back on track a lot faster. 

Even if a disaster happens and someone else might be responsible that you could put in a claim against, that takes time plus there’s no guarantee they have insurance or you’ll be successful.

For just a few dollars a month (or a full pizza) , you’d have the peace of mind knowing that you have a plan to help you recover financially should anything ever happen. 

So it all comes down to it, If it’s the same price as ordering in some pizza, why not look into it? 

Give us a call for a free renter’s insurance quote today!

(702) 251-4949

Categories: Renters Insurance

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