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Home » SR-22: What Is It? Why Would I Need It?
septiembre 29, 2021

SR-22: What Is It? Why Would I Need It?

If your driver’s license has been suspended, your state Department of Motor Vehicles may require you to obtain an SR-22, it is also known as a Certificate of Financial Responsibility.

An SR-22 verifies the purchase of vehicle insurance coverage required by the state to get a  reinstatement of your driving privileges.

The requirement to have an SR-22 are usually:

  • Multiple traffic offenses
  • DUIs, DWIs or other serious moving violations
  • License suspension or revocation
  • Violations for failure to maintain the mandatory insurance coverage required in your state.

If you are required to get an SR-22, the traffic court where you appeared or the DMV will notify you by mail.

Terms and requirements vary by state, but generally, you must retain both the SR-22 and your insurance policy for approximately three years. If your insurance policy lapses, your insurer is required by law to notify the Department of Motor Vehicles office. Your license will be suspended until your insurance has been reinstated. Then once you have met your SR-22 obligations for the prescribed amount of time, your SR-22 status will be removed.

Categories: Auto Insurance

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