Technology now a day is so amazing! It has found so many ways to make life so simple for many of us. Debit cards and cash are now a thing of the past. Apple and Google pay allows us to be able to shop without debit cards or cash. As of not brilliant enough technology has brought us an easy way to get things such as our electric bills, car note, and car insurance paid from the comfort of our homes. Although it has only been around since 1999, it wasn’t truly used until 2007. With Autopay cash, check, or debit card payments are no longer needed, it is as simple as calling up your bank or opening up your bank application and getting your Bank Account Number & Routing Number. With that information in hand you can provide it to your company and let them know that you wish to set your account up on Automatic payments and your bills will come out automatically on the specific date set between you and them. No more trips to the bank or even trips to show up to pay your bills in person, it is done for you! Autopay not only saves you time at the bank; it can also save you money! Yes, just the simplicity of having your bank account information can in fact save you money! Insurance companies like Progressive, Safeco, Travelers, & Mercury offer discounts to customers just for signing up for Autopay.
Do you want to see if you can save time and money? Would you like to add your Account to Autopay? Call us NOW!
Categories: Agency News